From zero to Travellancer in just 30 days with Bootcamp Intensive

Bootcamp Intensive is a personal – as in me, Malcolm Jenkins – step-by-step Travellancer training that teaches you everything you need to ditch your 9 to 5 and start a career as a freelance web developer.

First off let me start with one thing…this course is HARD!

It takes everything I’ve learned over the last few years and crams it into just 30 days.

You’ll learn in detail exactly what you need to do – and more importantly NOT DO – throughout each step of the TLT process.

How is this different from the TLT emails?

This course is intensive meaning I’m going to be personally walking you through every single step in the process.

I’ll show you how to:

  1. Quickly learn the fundamentals of web development so you can make beautiful websites from day one.
  2. Setup your online freelancing profile and start getting jobs immediately from both online and local clients.
  3. Get your income up to the minimum $60/day (and quickly much more than that) that will allow you to hit the road.
  4. Choose your destination, book your flight, find a place to live and all of the other insider details of this lifestyle.
  5. Achieve the 4-hour work day, raise your rates and travellance forever.

How does Bootcamp Intensive work?

When you signup for Bootcamp Intensive you’ll be given a username and password to login to the BCI Dashboard. That Dashboard is like your “Table of Contents” and contains links to all of the individual lessons.

The course is designed and delivered in daily 30-minute video lesson meaning you’ll be emailed one lesson per day but you can access them all instantly and work at your own pace because you’ll have lifetime access to the lessons.

If you’ve been enjoying my daily emails don’t worry I use the same story-style emails introducing each of the lessons.

(By the way writing those emails is like my favorite thing ever.)

What else is in the lessons?

To accompany the video lessons there I’ve included a “Resources”, “Action Items”, and “Q&A” section that includes:

  • Checklists, forms and step-by-step written instructions that I’ve been developing for over 3 years to allow you to go on “mental autopilot” when you start a new job for a client.
  • Links to tools and resources that I’ve curated over the years working as a freelancer, some of which I literally couldn’t work without.
  • A detailed set of action items that you need to take after each lesson to make what you are learning a reality.
  • An always open Question & Answers section where you can submit questions and check out my answer to the other questions I’ve received for that lesson.

Welcome to the “Inner Circle”

In the very first Bootcamp Intensive lesson I was talking about having an “Abundance” mindset and sharing knowledge instead of guarding it for some fake “job security.” That’s when some of the BCI’ers said “hey we should start a Facebook Group to help each other out.

So I did it.

Now when you sign up for Bootcamp Intensive you get access to our private little community of like-minded travellancers. We share tips, tricks and most importantly motivation to push through the hard parts. Check it out:

Speaking of those current BCI’ers, here’s what they are saying…

Keep in mind the first group to go through Bootcamp Intensive will finish the course on March 20th. That said they’ve been giving me awesome feedback and helping each other out on the Inner Circle Facebook group.

How much does Bootcamp Intensive cost?

I’ve priced this course very intentionally. Actually the price is sentimental to me. Check it out…

That picture above is the receipt for my plane ticket when I “took the leap” and started this travellancing lifestyle.

It was a one-way ticket to Cancun, Mexico.

I gave myself 30 days as a “prove it” to figure out how to do this.

That $185 left me with a whopping $761.95 to my name and no proven source of income.


That was over three years ago when I took that leap. For me the risk of not living a life of travel was so much greater than the cost of the flight.

So am I charging $185 for this course? Sorta…

What other courses don’t tell you…

No matter how you learn – with this Bootcamp, on your own, with Udemy, or even at a University – there are going to be the costs of doing business. Think of these as your gas to get to work…but now your commute is just 10 feet!

The thing is other courses don’t prepare you for these things. You’ll be smack in the middle of learning and then BAM! an extra $100.

Don’t worry though I’ve got your back 🙂

To become a freelance web developer and start travellancing you’ll need three things in addition to the skills you’ll learn with this course:

  • A hosting account
  • A premium WordPress themes subscription
  • A domain name for your freelance business

I don’t want you to ever have to show up to that soul-sucking 9-5 again

So what I’m doing is I’m pricing this course so that your total expense is $185. That’s the cost of the course PLUS the cost of the tools you’ll need for the job.

Here’s the breakdown compared to what you’d have to spend to learn the same stuff on Udemy:

Learning with Udemy

Basic HTML & CSS ($130)

WordPress & Theme Customizations ($135)

Becoming a Freelance Superstar ($90)

Travel Hacking ($180)

Hosting* ($11/month)

Premium WordPress Theme Subscription* ($89/year)

Custom Domain Name* ($12/year)

– You Pay –


If you want to check out the actual Udemy course breakdown click here.

Bootcamp Intensive Course

Basic HTML & CSS

WordPress & Theme Customizations

Becoming a Freelance Superstar

Travel Hacking

How to Travellance


Premium WordPress Theme Subscription*

Custom Domain Name*

– You Pay –


*These will be purchased separately during the course lessons from third-parties. You’ll only be paying $73 today.

So ask yourself…

Is it worth $185 to live the life of travel you’ve always dreamed of?

Is it worth $185 to ditch the soul-sucking 9-5 job?

Is it worth $185 to not have to look back in thirty years and ask “what if?”…

Click the button below to get instant, life-time access to the Bootcamp Intensive training. You won’t regret it.

Whoops you missed the bonuses

These bonuses were only available for a limited time. If you think there might be some mistake you can email me directly at

These bonuses are designed to help make sure you cannot fail if you put in the effort.

BONUS #1 ($75 value – the 30-minute consultation fee I charge my clients)

To make sure you are setup for success after the course I will schedule a one-on-one Skype session with you where I will review your freelancer profile and your first practice website. This will ensure you are setup for success before you approach clients.

BONUS #2 ($145 value – value of an equivalent course teaching similar material on Udemy)

I am including a 45-minute crash course detailing how I used everything I teach in Bootcamp Intensive plus some additional tricks and strategies to generate $3,000 of freelance income over the 2016 Holiday Season. This is powerful stuff.

Just that second bonus alone is worth the price of admission. Not to mention the ~20 hours of video training and those process checklists that have literally made me tens of thousands of dollars alone. I couldn’t live without them.

***These bonuses will not be available again so don’t wait***


60-day money back guarantee

I realize Bootcamp Intensive isn’t for everyone. That’s why I try and emphasize how hard it is before I even give you the option to sign up.

That said I know that sometimes you start to get your hands dirty and realize this isn’t for you. I totally get that. That’s why I’m offering a refund of the entire course price ($73) for up to 60 days after you sign up. No questions asked.

**Please note that I can’t refund the hosting, domain or WordPress theme subscription because you don’t pay me for that you purchase those from other companies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are the questions I get most often about Bootcamp Intensive. Let me know if you have any that weren’t answered here.

Q: Is this really doable for me? I have literally ZERO experience in WordPress and HTML and don’t even know what CSS or any of the other things you mentioned are.

A: The course is designed for people with no real tech knowledge. Now obviously I can’t teach you 100% of everything you need to know in 30 days but what I’m going to do is to teach you the really important stuff and to show you how to make a beautiful website (and then get jobs). As you get better and better and do more websites and jobs you’ll continue to learn and fill in the gaps.

If you follow the course and put in the effort to learn on the job (all explained in the course) then it’s not only possible but I think you’ll see it’s well within your reach.

Q: How long will it be before I can start travellancing?

A: This will differ from person to person but I have an entire lesson dedicated to this in the last week. I’ll show you how to figure out your timing based on a method I call the “3 B’s”: Buffer, Budget, and Backup Plan. I’d say a realistic time-frame though is anywhere from 2-6 months from signup if you commit yourself fully.

Q: Honestly I’m still a little bit skeptical, why is this course different from others?

A: The reason I think this method works is that it isn’t some “get rich quick” or “make millions online” thing. It’s about putting in the time to learn and start to get work to get yourself to $1200 or so a month. That number I’ve found is the tipping point for being able to travel full-time. Once you get there you can keep building your skills and raising your rates and then you’ve got options.

I read a quote the other day that I loved: “When you are making a big decision always choose the path that gives you the most options.” It’s so true. I now find myself with all of these skills and flexibility. I can go anywhere and do anything. That’s what I want to share with other people who have that burning desire to travel.

Q: Why did you set up this course? Isn’t it just going to create more competition for you?

A: After a few years of successfully freelancing and traveling full-time I had this feeling that what I was doing was great and that I could make it work forever but there was a problem. It was only helping one person: me.

The problem with that is that I knew I had more to give. I knew what really made me happy was teaching, inspiring, and connecting with other like-minded people. That was what I was put on this earth to do not just be a lone-wolf who travels the globe making website. If I’ve learned one thing since turning 30 last year it’s that I’m sure I’ve got more to give. So I decided to try to create something that could help other people.

Regarding creating competition one of the things I teach in the very first lesson is that you have to shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance. If the guys in the course (and the Facebook group) all thought “we are all learning the same thing so I should just quit now” no one would ever finish the course. Instead I’ve flipped their mindset and they are helping each other get better. There are so many businesses that need a website and towards the end of the course you’ll see that the website part of the work is just the beginning of your journey. There are opportunities and options everywhere if you choose an abundance mindset.

Q: If similar courses on Udemy cost so much why did you price yours lower?

A: You probably read above that $185 is a  significant number to me. I teach and relate things by stories and that $185 is the same price as that plane ticket I booked to Mexico when I gave myself one month to figure this freelance thing out on my own.

One piece of feedback I got from the current BCI’ers when I asked them “if I could make one impossible thing happen from this course what would it be” (or something like that) was that it would be amazing if the cost of everything you need to get started (hosting account, premium WordPress theme, domain name) was included in the price.

I thought about that a good bit and ran some numbers and realized that yeah I think that could work. So I’m experimenting with it for now. I might raise it up again. Two things I know on that for sure: 1) there is way more value in the course than that 2) the amount of work you have to put it is much greater than the cost of the course anyway (remember this is years worth of learning in 30 days).


So what do you think? You ready?

I know I’m really, really excited to be able to offer this course that has turned out so much better than I could have even imagined (and I’m a perfectionist). I know you’ll love it.

Click the button below for instant access.

I think that’s about it. As ever, let me know if you have any questions.


Malcolm “yeah this is crazy. crazy awesome” Jenkins





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