Middle Finger, meet cubicle

Middle finger, meet cubicle. Cubicle meet middle finger.

There don’t you feel better? I know I do!

Over the next few minutes I want to re-shape how you think about the “real world.”

Just don’t tell your friends and family. They won’t get it.

The fact is that times have changed. The “American Dream” just ain’t what it used to be.

Go to college. Get a job. Work for 40 years and then ride off into the sunset.

Yeah right. It just doesn’t work anymore. And even if it did who the heck wants to spend 40 years showing up to the same mind numbing job everyday?!

Do you? Me either.

Good news: The internet has given us an opportunity that no generation has ever had. The internet has given us freedom.

Freedom to travel. Freedom to live where you want. Freedom to stand up and walk away from the soul-sucking 9-to-5.

I’ve got more good news…

I’m going to tell you exactly how I took advantage of this opportunity and how you can too.

But first I’ve got to get something out of the way.

This might turn you off and that’s okay. Seriously no hard feelings. I just need to be completely honest up front.

What I’m going to show you is NOT going to make you rich.

Nope. Not gonna do it. No “million dollar” secrets here.

How do I know that?

Because what I’m about to show you is exactly what I’ve been doing for the last 3.5 years and I sure as heck ain’t rich. I mean I live out of a backpack for goodness sakes 🙂

Over the last 3.5 years I’ve been able to travel to (and live in) about 20 countries including Australia, Indonesia (Bali), Costa Rica, and Thailand.

I did all of this while still making a living and developing my “career”. Whatever that word means.

In the last 3.5 years I’ve literally filled up an entire passport.

(they put two holes in it and give it back to you if you were wondering)

Each of the stamps in that old passport contains enough memories to last me a lifetime. I wouldn’t trade a single one of them for any amount of money.

To me that is what it means to be rich.

Hmmm…maybe this will make you rich after all.

Money may not buy happiness but experiences do.

Still with me?

Good. Now we can get on to the good part.

Here’s the thing that we can’t tell your friends and family…

A life of full-time travel isn’t 40 years in a cubicle away. Far from it.

Actually a life of travel and freedom is literally right under your nose.

Let me explain…


Here’s the breakdown…over those last 3.5 I’ve spent an average $1,200/month living in places like Spain, Thailand, Mexico, Vietnam, etc. etc.

(James, Nick and Dariece and Christina all lived like kings for much less than that).

Break down $1,200 divided by 20 days in a month (weekends off!) and you get $60/day.

Let me say that again because the first time I did the math I couldn’t believe it either…

To travel the world full-time and live anywhere you want all you need to do is make $60/day.

Crazy right?!

You could make that scrubbing toilets or flipping hamburgers (preferably not in that order).

But you can’t scrub toilets over the internet. Not yet anyway.

So what you have to do to travel forever is to make $60/day online. From your computer.

That’s it. That’s the big secret. It seems so simple but people still follow the same path their parents followed. 40 years. Cubicle. Why?!

Instead of slaving in the cubicle you can buy yourself out of the rat race. You just need to find a way to make $60/day from your computer.

That’s where I come in 🙂

I’m going to show you how I did exactly that and how you can too.

But I’ve got to warn you about something…

What I’m going to show you has literally changed lives. The proof is in the pudding as they say:

So there’s your warning.

If you jump down this rabbit hole with me there’s a pretty darn good chance I won’t be the only one of us living out of a backpack.

Just sayin 😉

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