Bootcamp Intensive

Skip the mistakes. Ditch the cubicle in a month.

I want to help you make and sell beautiful websites from anywhere in as little as a month (the current record is 28 days).

I’ll tell you how in a second. First let’s flashback to late 2016.

 December 22nd, 2016…

I had a problem. I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and splashed water on my face. Was I really about to do this?

I was. I had to. I mean I had to. Right!?

I walked back to my computer and stared at the email I had typed. I re-read it out loud. Yep I had to.

I took a deep breath and hit send. Instantly I knew the stakes were about to be raised.

That’s right. Online courses suck. Or at least most of them do.

When I started showing people how to become freelance web developers I started out by recommending other people’s online courses.

I had to. I was freelancing and traveling full-time (still am) and didn’t have time to teach people myself.

Big mistake.

Sure, some of the courses were decent. They had some of the info you needed to start making and selling beautiful websites…

The problem was they also contained WAY too much other stuff. A bunch of fluff. Stuff that you were never, ever going to use.

It was like buying an entire gift basket of stuff just for the one item in it that you wanted.

And then doing that again. And again. And again.

At the end you have the few items that you wanted but you also have all of this crap that you are probably just going to throw away.

(I’m looking at you weird processed cheese spread).

Now imagine that instead of having to throw away all of that worthless stuff in your Xmas gift basket…

…that you are throwing away your free time and hard earned money.

THAT is why I had to change the way I taught.

This is different.

The email I sent that day was my answer to these “gift basket” online courses.

I knew that I could cut through the BS and teach people only the skills they would need to start making and selling beautiful websites and nothing else.

No wasted time. No wasted money.

Every single lesson and action item I would teach would have one goal in mind: To get you freelancing as quickly as possible.

Here are the results (Testimonials):


– Nicole S.

First off I just wanted to say that bootcamp (and you!) have changed my life!
This was by far the best investment I have ever made! I can’t think of anything else to make it better!
I LOVED how real and down to earth you are about traveling and your life style. It made it feel very possible to live a life I have been dreaming of for years. I liked how you included cheap travel info, tax info, and personal struggles along with the business side of freelancing.


– Joshua S.

Yesterday, I went into the store and I sold the site for $200!!! WOOOOO!!! I JUST FRIGGIN SOLD MY FIRST WEBSITE!! I totally undersold the site, I think, but I was just so excited to be ‘published’ that I didn’t care!!!! A VERY BIG PERSONAL THANK YOU SIR!! And now since I can afford it, first beer is on ME!! hahaha I’m also doing a local website for a grocery store for $400 so that’s next on the docket.


– Courtney W.

Things are going really well! I met with [the client] this week and the owner absolutely loved it! She was very impressed and was thinking about hiring someone to make a website for her anyways, so she’s glad I came to her!
I’m offering the website to her for $450She even offered me to make a different website for her other coffee shop. I can’t thank you enough for all of your help. I really appreciate it! 🙂


– Peter F.

I just got a couple of local small businesses to hire me 😎 which is exactly what I needed.
Thank you for offering this course. This gonna be a life saving experience I’m turning 30 this month and I’ve finally found something I like. For awhile I was very worried about the path my life was going in, so thanks again!

Btw I just got another client like an hour ago on FB!


– Jessica S.

Your course was ABSOLUTELY worth every penny and more.

The class was great…I loved how you just said “this is how you do it”. It meant that I could literally get a damn site up in no time.

You’ve made what could be very confusing appear far more approachable and simple. Love your style and appreciate your efforts in teaching us.


– Jared T.

Sooo I just did a thing……yikes!!!😆😏😬


I bumbled. I stumbled. You win.

Am I some sort of prophet? How can I separate what’s important from the “processed cheese” of web design?

I wish I could say I always knew the answers. My personal journey would have been a heck of a lot easier.

But I didn’t always know the answers. I learned them the hard way.

I spent years making mistake after mistake. I didn’t know what to learn. I chased every squirrel I saw.

That’s why this took me years – not weeks or months – to learn how to do this myself.

But all of those squirrels I chased taught me something. They taught me which skills were important and which were completely pointless.

Bootcamp Intensive is the result of all of those mistakes and squirrel chasing.

I bumbled and stumbled through all of the BS so you don’t have to. You win.

A college class on a caffeine pill.

This isn’t a 2-hour webinar. I don’t gloss over topics and leave you to figure them out yourself. I dive deep.

With 30+ video lessons averaging over 30 minutes each I walk you through every detail step-by-step.

It’s an inside look at the tools and checklists that I’ve been perfecting over the last four years.

(BTW I use these step-by-step checklists on every website I build. They alone are worth the cost of this course. JMHO)

This isn’t your normal online course (I already told you those suck).

This is a college class on a caffeine pill. It’s my version of a “May-mester.”

The difference is I’m not charging thousands of dollars or handing out tassles and rolled up pieces of paper at the end.

With Bootcamp Intensive I’m handing out real skills that will help you make real money from anywhere in the world. Period.

My goal: Get your money back ASAP

You work damn hard for your money. If you invest in this Bootcamp I have one goal in mind: put that hard earned money back in your pocket as fast as possible.

I just told you this was more like a college “May-mester” than a normal online course. But there’s one key difference between Bootcamp and a college course…

Bootcamp Intensive returns your investment in weeks or months not years or decades like college tuition.

How fast can you expect to earn your money back? Anywhere from one to three months.

It’s taking most current students about a month and a half but it can take as little as a few weeks.

My guarantee to you…

If it takes longer than three months I’ll give you 100% of your money back (more on that down the page). Seriously, your success is that important to me.


The guy who is still paying for college ten years after graduating.


Get instant, forever access

When you sign up for Bootcamp Intensive you’ll get login instructions to access all of the lessons immediately.

These lessons will be online forever and you can go back and view them anytime.

Here’s what else you get with Bootcamp Intensive:

  • 30+ in-depth video training sessions (~30+ minutes each) covering every single step you need to take to become a traveling web developer.
  • Q&A videos answering your (and other BCI’ers) questions from each of the lessons
  • An inside, step-by-step look at building a real website from start to finish.
  • Access to all of the web development tools and checklists I use every single day as a full-time travellancer.
  • Membership to the secret “Inner Circle” Facebook Group where BCI’ers hang out, help each other, and share ideas and inspiration.


Bonus Offer: I will personally review your first THREE websites ($225 value)

For a limited time I’m offering a special bonus as a “gentle nudge” to take the leap and flip off the 9-to-5. Because, let’s be honest, everyone can use a little shove in the right direction every now and then 😉

To make sure you are setup for success after the course I will personally review your first three websites and make sure they will blow the socks off of your clients. I charge clients $75 per site review so you are getting a $225 value. Trust me, I’ve been doing this for a long time now and I know what clients like!

***This bonus will not be available again so don’t wait***


Click the button below and get instant, forever access to Bootcamp Intensive for a one-time fee of $497.

Prefer a payment plan? Click here to get the same instant access for 3 monthly payments of $187.


Money Back Guarantee: Putting my money where my mouth is

This course is awesome. I put my blood, sweat, and tears into it. What? Guys can cry too okay?!

I’m so confident in the course that if you sign up and follow through with the course material and the action steps in each lesson then I will guarantee that you will have earned your money back within 3 months. If not I will give you a full 100%, pain-free, no hoops to jump through refund.


What else do you need for this course?

No matter how you learn web development there are going to be the costs of doing business. Think of these as your gas to get to work…but now your commute is just 10 feet!

To become a freelance web developer you’ll need three things in addition to the skills you’ll learn with this course. In the course I’ll show you how to charge these back to clients and even make money off of them.

  • A hosting account ($10.95/month)
  • A premium WordPress themes subscription ($89/year)
  • A domain name for your freelance business ($12/year)

Bootcamp Intensive is designed to not only quickly pay for itself but also to pay for these expense.


What about a computer?

Yes, you’ll need a computer for this course and when you actually start travellancing you’ll need a laptop. Until then a desktop will work. Just note that if you are working on a work, school, or library computer you will have to use some sligthly different programs but the steps are exactly the same and I’ve added instructions on how to do it with those anyway.

What about a tablet? While you could technically do this on a tablet I wouldn’t recommend it. You’ll have to pay for all sorts of 3rd-party apps and it will still slow you down.

Do you need a new laptop? Good news…even the old, noisy, 4-year old laptop that takes 10 minutes to turn on should work for the bulk of this course. That said once you start getting clients and are getting ready to travel you may want to upgrade. In the course I recommend some good, affordable options that are perfect for travellancing.


Members Area: Track your progress, stay motivated

The Inner Circle is a Secret Facebook group where all of the BCI’ers (that’s what I call Bootcamp Intensive members) hang out. We all offer feedback, support and just generally have a good time.

The support and camaraderie in there blows me away every single day.

When you sign up for Bootcamp Intensive you’ll I’ll give you access to the Inner Circle.  It’s awesome.

What’s inside of Bootcamp Intensive?

As I mentioned above the course is structured into four weeks. You can go through these as fast or as slowly as you want. You’ll have instant access to all of the lessons.

Week 1: The Fundamentals

In this week I cover the fundamental skills that every web developer has to have. We’ll cover:

  • HTML & CSS
  • Domains & Hosting
  • FTP & Email
  • WordPress


Week 2: The “Wow!” Website Recipe

This is when the magic really starts. During this week I’ll be building a real website in front of you. This is where all of my checklists and step-by-step process cheat sheets come into play.

When I ask current Bootcamp Intensive members what surprised them about the course they say things like:

“I didn’t think we’d get such a step by step methodology” – Keeli W.

“OMG the checklists are great!” – Meghan M.

In this week we’ll cover:

  • Figuring out what the client really wants with the Client Questionnaire
  • Building a branding cheat sheet
  • Installing and Customizing a WordPress theme
  • Building the actual website
  • Plugins, Speed and Security
  • Making the website live


Week 3: The “Get Jobs” Week

This week is all about using the skills you learned in the other weeks to make money. I’ll cover:

  • Where to find work
  • How much to charge
  • How to guarantee yourself jobs
  • How to get reviews and build a portfolio
  • Balancing cash flow with different types of jobs


Week 4: The “Fun” Week

I saved my favorite part for last 🙂

In the last week of lessons I’ll be covering stuff that nobody else teaches. This is the stuff specific to the travellancer lifestyle. It includes:

  • Choosing a travellancing location
  • Travel hacking to get cheap and free flights
  • Taxes, Insurance and the other “paperwork”
  • Mistakes I made and the other “touchy-feely” stuff
  • Making a plan to leave with the 3 B’s


Sneak Peek: Behind the Scenes of Bootcamp Intensive

Take a look inside Bootcamp Intensive in this short video:


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much time should I spend each day on the course?

I originally ran the course live (in Feb/March 2017) with a group of 40 students. It is designed as a daily course and the lessons are usually around 30 minutes but some lessons go up to an hour. In the first lesson (the intro) I actually recommend speeding the videos up to 1.25X or 1.5X and then slowing down and pausing if you need to clear something up. That saves a bunch of time even if I do sound like a mouse 🙂

The action items for each lesson are where the time will vary the most. Some lessons are easy or don’t have any actions items while some – like building the homepage – can take a long time. The “homework” involved eases up a good bit after the second week so you’ll be able to keep working on your site while you watch the lessons on getting work, etc.

There’s no set time limit on the course. You can go as fast or as slow as you want. That said I tell people to try and commit to 30-45 minutes a day to watch the videos and then if they still have time to work on the action items to go ahead and knock those out.

It seems to be really effective to block off a weekend morning (Saturdays work great) and use that time to work on the action items and your site. I do that when I’m learning new skills all the time. It gives you a big chunk of uninterrupted time to work on learning and it makes your Saturday lunch and afternoon that much more rewarding.

Where will I find work?

I have an entire week of lessons dedicated to this topic but in short you will be finding work in two places: online (Upwork) and locally (even if you aren’t currently “home”).

Got more questions?

If you’ve got any specific questions email me at anytime and I’ll get back to you quickly with a detailed response.

What are you waiting for?

The cubicle and the 9-to-5 are a thing of the past. Click the button below and get instant, forever access to Bootcamp Intensive for a one-time fee of $497.

Prefer a payment plan? Click here to get the same instant access for 3 monthly payments of $187.

See you on the other side!

One last step...

Fill out the form to signup for Freelance Web Design 101.

Got it!